Monday, March 9, 2009


and we are back to normal. Well normal for us anyway, Bob left this morning to pick up the plane, and is back to flying by Wednesday.I have loved having him home. We watched movies every night, and it was nice having an extra driver for all of these sports we seem to be committed too.
We are busy getting ready for our annual beach trip to St. George Island!We did not know the trip was on until the last minute, which was nice because now it is only 8 weeks away so the wait time was so much better this year!
I am extremely excited this year because it also happens to be the day of my triathlon so what a great way to celebrate my race, going to the beach for a whole week with Family.
It is also going to be a smaller crew this year, because not every one can make it, with work and kids in school, another bonus for home schooling, we will take our school there, and most days will be field trips!
Oh, and did I mention I am going to the Bahamas with Bob at the end of the month? Well, unless something changes, which is very likely, I will get to go with him for four days. I am trying not to get too excited until I have the ticket in hand. It will be nice living his life for a change.Although, I am already not sure about leaving my kiddies.
I love this spring forward, I love knowing we are closer to SUMMER! warm weather, beach, longer days, cookouts,no school, sleeping in, swimming, it can't get here fast enough!

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