Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Stuck in the Middle

      Yesterday, I snuck off with my son,Nolan, to spend the day at Disney! We left the little ,and the Captain at home! It was such a different experience going without a stroller, a backpack, and extra clothes etc. I had wanted to spend time alone with Nolan . I know that at 11 yrs old, its still okay to hang out with your mom, but the time will come when those days are few and far between.I want to embrace the few years I have left!
     It was fun to spend some quality, one on one time with him. Sometimes, well most of the time, our life is so busy, and I know that if I don't make it a point to spend time with each of my children individually, it will not happen. When you have a little brother (4) and a big sister(16), the days and events we do as a family can get dictated by them. Yesterday, I wanted Nolan to be able to control the events of the day, and get to do all the things we put off doing( the things he wants) when we go to the parks. Sometimes, its so unfair  to be stuck in the middle ! He gets juggled in-between, teenage drama and little brother meltdowns! He handles it well, but I know that occasionally, he can feel the burden of being stuck in the middle. I try to be sensitive about it,and aware of it, however I have to constantly be conscience of it.
       I enjoyed my day with him, so much! I got to actually see a hint of what his behavior will be like when he goes on his first date. But more importantly, I got to witness the young man he is growing into.  All day I he kept reminding me of someone. The thought plagued the back of my head. He was attentive, opened doors, carried our food trays, and he didn't  monopolize the conversation. He asked me questions, and was interested in my answers. When I told him it was his day, we would do whatever he wanted, he promptly corrected me, and told me it was our day, and we both get to pick things we want to do! He even held my hand as we were walking through the parks! yes,tears have just formed in my eyes.. As the day came to a close, I knew without a doubt who he reminded me of... his father.
     You see our sons, are watching their dads.They pay attention to the way they treat their mothers.Nolan sees the way the Captain treats me, he  listens to the way the Captain talks to me, and he witness' how openly the Captain loves me. The Captain has taught Nolan many things, but the most important one, is what it really means to be a Godly man, and the Captain only uses words when necessary.
     Our sons will choose wives' that reflect the women that they have been around their whole lives. So, Mothers' be the kind of woman you want your son to marry, set the bar high ,so that he chooses well. Our sons will  want to be the kind of men they have seen as a child. So, Fathers' be the man that you want your sons to become. When you treat your wives with love, honor and respect, you have raised a man who will have a successful marriage, and understand one of their roles as a husband.
      I am so proud of the young man Nolan is growing up to be, and I am more proud of the man he is to become, because I know without a doubt, he has had one of the best role models around.