Monday, November 8, 2010


TIME, its something I have so little of and yet, so much of it, all at the same TIME!
I find myself trying to finish one thing, so that I don't miss the next thing, all at the same TIME.
I find that in order to enjoy this thing, I can't fully engage in that thing, all at at the same TIME.
I feel that its going by so fast, and yet there are days that drag so slowly, all at the same TIME!
My kids are so grown up, and then do something that shows their real age, all at the same TIME!
My life is so full, and then some days feel so empty, all at the same TIME!
I am trying to manage my house, my kids, my husband, my training, my bills,my calender all at the same TIME!
I have a hundred things to do, and nothing to do, all at the same TIME!
I can feel so proud of my accomplishments, and then so dissapointed in my actions, all at the same TIME!
I can be really sweet, and then really mean, all at the same TIME!
I can praise God, then curse the eggplant driver that just cut me off, all at the same TIME!
Its my curse, and its my blessing, all at the same TIME!


Anonymous said...

I have all the time in the world thanks to my beautiful wife! Love u me!

St. of Words said...

i wish you would write a book of short stories. you are so talented aunt b. your writings teach me. :) i love you.