Thursday, May 9, 2013

How Do You Define Beauty?

     How do you define beauty? Does it come from within, or is it the outward appearance that is portrayed? As women, but more importantly as mother's, we need to really think about how we define beauty. Is it the number on the scale or the size on your jeans? Is it the miles we run, or the salads we eat? Is it giving back to the poor, and helping the needy?
 The media would like us to believe, its all about what is on the outside, but we as mother's need to take a hard look at that approach.We are allowing the magazines, television, and movies to define beauty to our daughters. Maybe, we ourselves are also in this trap, trying to look like how the world tells us we should look like.
     I love to exercise, I will admit it, but I have to be very careful that I am setting a good example of health to my daughter, and not portraying a warped sense of body image to her. I want her to know that her self worth, is not wrapped up in the tag size on her ambercrombies, or that her beauty is defined  from having flawless skin. I want to teach her that beauty isn't something you find in a lip gloss, or a new fad.
      Beauty is about individuality, and being exactly who you are without excuses. Its embracing your flaws and imperfections, and celebrating your  uniqueness in which you were created. It is about selfless acts of kindness. Beauty is about humility, strength and courage. Its about standing up for what is right, and sticking to your morals and values.There are so many facets of beauty that each woman contains beauty all her own.
    We need to stop letting others define beauty for us, and start deciding what beauty is  for ourselves, and then teach our daughters. Our daughters need to know that outward beauty fades, but inner beauty last a life time. So how do you define beauty? Believe it, live it, be it. Our daughters are watching!

1 comment:

bookworm said...

It is so hard counteracting the messages that society gives our daughters. I never had a daughter (only a son) but I had several cousins and friends with daughters and the message starts so early - right now the 10 year old granddaughter of someone I work with thinks she needs to diet. She doesn't! What a sad thing and I know she didn't get this message from her mother. We all must be so careful.