Friday, February 13, 2009

Over it and new year's resolutions status!

Okay, I am done with the pity party! Hubby off to his island, me off to the gym. On a lighter note I have been doing great on New Year's resolutions.
Read my first classic novel, Wuthering Heights and loved it! It is very dark, bizarre and wicked, so I don't know what that says about me, but I loved it. Now I am starting Pride and Prejudice, its my niece, Kara's personal favorite so this is my next choice. Any other classic suggestions feel free to post.
Also, I am running about 4 miles consistently now! and going to bump it up to five next week. I still don't get how I can be exercising so much and still gain weight? I told you my body must be in some kind of shock. and yes I know, I know muscle weighs more blah,blah, blah, but it could be I am SO much hungry from all the running that the cheeseburgers and cake weigh more than the calories I am burning! hahha. Anyway I am trying to stay on track for the half marathon this year. So from my last post you can see I had a slight mishap with being a good pilots wife one, but I can't succeed at all my new Year's resolution, or I would have none to make next yr.
Well, its off to the gym to run out my stress, and then I can eat my whole Candy box, hubby left me before he went to island. Oh well, he gets the vacation (okay its work:) ) I get the extra pounds! No really I'm over it, really.

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