So, In my family we are in great excitement this week! It is almost the beginning of our annual St. George Island trip. We are endlessly calling one another on three-way, discussing such things as , what we need to bring, activities, food, sun, piggly wiggly, and anything else we think of, sometimes I think, by the time we get to the beach we will probably run out of things to talk about....WHO AM I KIDDING? we are talking about the Robinson's here, in true Robinson fashion we NEVER run out of things/people(hehe) to talk about~!
We really can't wait to spend 8 days, 24 hours a day with each other. As soon as Robbie(because he is always first) wakes up, he will wake us up so there is not a moment of "alone" time. During this week, the cousins will be playing, laughing, swimming, sunning, and thinking of ways to make more money for their vacation.Last year the kids, had a massage spa, and we all participated, one hour massage for 2.00, you couldn't beat it, we all tipped though!!
I had to remind Regan yesterday,to come give me a kiss once in awhile, because I always miss her this week, she is totally consumed with her cousins, she forgets I am even there! Because our house is on a private beach, gated, there is no reason for us to be hording over them, they are all at the age,as long as Kendra is around, to roam freely, allowing them to feel their independence!
But as for Vickie, Robbie and I, there will be no moment without each other. I kinda feel sorry for our "better halves", we will include them, but alot of times they feel a little left out,of the inside jokes, the poking fun(sometimes at their expense) and the private, sneaking out, excursions, that we will plan unknowingly to them. Adrien and Bob are used to it, I think they almost welcome it, to have a break from all this sibling love! It's not that we do it on purpose, it just kinda happens. Robbie and I tried "ditching" everyone last yr,but Vickie caught us, and ran out the door with us. We had only bathing suit tops, and skirts on, but we saw a chance and bolted for the door! Its a little like being back in high school, sneaking out, except we're the parents! Our Spouses, our awesome, they know that we each are really close and have a unique bond, that needs to be fed!When we are together it seems that we grow younger, and a little reckless but much wiser!
So.. Bum Bum Bum.. Here we Come.. All the way from Wahington!!!
We really can't wait to spend 8 days, 24 hours a day with each other. As soon as Robbie(because he is always first) wakes up, he will wake us up so there is not a moment of "alone" time. During this week, the cousins will be playing, laughing, swimming, sunning, and thinking of ways to make more money for their vacation.Last year the kids, had a massage spa, and we all participated, one hour massage for 2.00, you couldn't beat it, we all tipped though!!
I had to remind Regan yesterday,to come give me a kiss once in awhile, because I always miss her this week, she is totally consumed with her cousins, she forgets I am even there! Because our house is on a private beach, gated, there is no reason for us to be hording over them, they are all at the age,as long as Kendra is around, to roam freely, allowing them to feel their independence!
But as for Vickie, Robbie and I, there will be no moment without each other. I kinda feel sorry for our "better halves", we will include them, but alot of times they feel a little left out,of the inside jokes, the poking fun(sometimes at their expense) and the private, sneaking out, excursions, that we will plan unknowingly to them. Adrien and Bob are used to it, I think they almost welcome it, to have a break from all this sibling love! It's not that we do it on purpose, it just kinda happens. Robbie and I tried "ditching" everyone last yr,but Vickie caught us, and ran out the door with us. We had only bathing suit tops, and skirts on, but we saw a chance and bolted for the door! Its a little like being back in high school, sneaking out, except we're the parents! Our Spouses, our awesome, they know that we each are really close and have a unique bond, that needs to be fed!When we are together it seems that we grow younger, and a little reckless but much wiser!
So.. Bum Bum Bum.. Here we Come.. All the way from Wahington!!!