Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lemonade $.50 per cup

My little Entrepreneur! He made $17.00 with his Lemonade/water stand during my garage sale. He did have to give a cut to a few girls that helped him. Just like a true boss, he got to his business late, took a long lunch, checked his money often, left early and than kept most of the earnings for himself!! He is definitely a CEO in the making!!


D's Mom said...

Too Cute!

jumbled up and complicated. very discombobulated. said...

$17?!?! are you kidding me!!??! i don't think i made that much in all my lemonade stands combined! hahaha
p.s. i've been collecting all of your posted pictures of regan and nolan and saving them on my computer. i love it!!! :)

St. of Words said...

he couldn't be seriously...he couldn't be...